The salary slips in Procountor have several different statuses. Salary slips in certain states can be edited and allow returning to a previous status while others do not. The graph below explains these statuses and the level of editing each status allows.
A new salary list is created by clicking New salary list. Create slips button changes the status on all the salary slips on the list to Unfinished.
Unfinished means the salary slip can still be modified and Settings, Adjustments, Slip notes, and Incomes Register reporting fields are active and can be edited. When the necessary changes have been made to the salary slip, click Save. An unfinished salary slip can also be invalidated, if necessary.
Invalidate removes the entire salary list. Invalidated salary slips can be found in the salary slip search by selecting Invalidated as the salary slip status in search criteria. Invalidated salary slips will not be reported to the Incomes Register and they do not have an accounting page.
Salary slips can be moved to Approved if they have the status Unfinished (by selecting Approve), Payment queued (by canceling payment) or Marked paid (Go to > Payment > Bank transfer). When the salary slip is Approved, it will have an accounting page and it can be reported to the Incomes Register. Approved pay slips can be reverted to Payment queued, Marked paid and Submitted.
Payment queued: All the salary slips that have been paid by clicking the Pay button move to the status Payment queued. This button can be found by selecting Go to > Payment on a salary slip. Slips that are in the Payment queued status can still be moved back to Approved by canceling the payment in Payments > Direct bank transfers > Cancel payment.
Payment sent to bank indicates the salaries have been successfully transferred to the bank, and the salary slips can no longer returned to Approved status.
Paid status means the salary slip has been paid and the payment on the bank statement has been allocated to the salary slip.
Marked paid can be used on salaries that are not paid through Procountor or if the salaries are not automatically moved to Paid with the bank transaction allocation. Marked paid status can be changed back to Approved by removing the payment in Go to > Payment > Payment transactions > Remove payment transaction.
Edit status is used in situations where a salary slip has been Paid or in Payment queued and needs to be edited. Editing is only possible if the earnings payment report has not been submitted to the Incomes Register or if the report has been invalidated. This allows changes to be made in the Adjustments and Incomes register reporting fields. To edit the salary slip, click Edit at the top of the page. More on making changes in the earnings payment report can be found here.
Reported status is used on salaries that have been included on the Earnings payment report. Salary slip that has been reported and paid can no longer be edited. Salary slip that has been reported, but not paid, can still be edited in the Correction status. In a situation, where the salary slip needs to be edited, invalidating the Earnings payment report reverts the salary slip to the status it had before it was reported. See here for more information on correcting the earnings payment report.
Correction is only used in situations where the salary slip has already been reported but it has not yet been paid. Correction is used to correct information on the salary slip. It allows for slip rows, notes, and settings to be edited, and all these fields will be active. Please note that any edits made will not automatically update on salary slip that has already been reported with the earnings payment report. After correcting the information, the pay slip must be reported using a replacement report. More information on using a replacement report in situations where the earnings payment report has already been submitted, can be found here.