The process of holiday calculation will be discussed in this article. Procountor will publish the holiday calculation module in parts and the holiday calculation is possible for employees who have earning and calculation rules:
- 14 day or 35 hour holiday earning rule
- holiday pay calculation standard divider 25
- Monthly plus shift compensations
- holiday pay calculation average hourly
- holiday pay calculation average daily
- holiday pay calculation with 9% or 11,5%
- holiday pay with work day divider (can be chosen on Holiday tab)
- right for time off
- percentage for construction 14%+4,5%
- percentage for construction 18,5%/14%+4,5%
- earning holiday bonus by using 50% earning rule
The process of the holiday calculation is as following:
Before starting the holiday calculation open the necessary holiday years from Management > Salary info > Holiday credit years.
1. Holiday pay settings (collective agreement)
- The first step in holiday calculation set-up is to check if the holiday pay settings are correct in Management > Salary info > Holiday pay settings (collective agreement).
- Procountor has default salary types that are included in the hourly workers salary pay calculation and it will be used if not set otherwise.
- The list of the salary types should be modified according to Collective Agreement and the table of holiday pay multipliers can be modified if necessary.
- More detailed instructions about the holiday settings can be found here.
2. Holiday settings
- Holiday settings are modified one employee at a time and holiday calculation can be activated in Payroll > Employee register > Edit holidays. The settings how holidays are earned and already earned holidays are set in the Holidays tab. The settings can be brought to Procountor by using Procountor's holiday import mass tool or by Excel.
- More detailed instructions about the holiday settings can be found here.
- More information about the mass installation tools can be found here.
- Holiday bonus can be activated separately from Management > Company info > Usage settings > Holiday bonus. After this the bonus can be automatically collected to the employee.
3. Earning holidays
- Holidays are earned by calculation salaries to employees. When a salary list is created the amount of working days and hours should be allocated in order to accumulate holidays. The allocation can be done at the same time to all the employees in the list or one employee at the time.
- Earned holidays can be seen in Holidays view in the Employee register. The amount of holiday days earned can be modified by had if the amount of the automatically calculated holidays differs from the actually earned holiday days. Unused holiday day can be seen in the employees salary slip by default and it can be switched off in the Usage settings.
- Holidays are earned based on 14 day or 35 hour rule depending on employees holiday settings.
- More information about earning holidays can be found here.
4. Paying holidays
- Accumulated holidays can be spent by creating new salary lists. By clicking Holiday pay button in the salary slip Procountor will open a pop up window where the user can specify which holiday pay salary type is used and from which holiday year the spent holidays are taken. It is possible to select multiple holiday years from which the holidays are spent.
- When the salary slip has a status Approved, the spent holidays are deducted from the Holidays tab in the Employee register.
- More detailed instructions about paying holidays can be found here.
Closing the holiday credit year
After the holiday credit year has ended (1.4.) and the last salaries have been paid for the credit year, it is time to close the holiday credit year. At this point the accrued holidays should be checked and corrected.
- The holiday accrual report can be used to check the earned holidays.
More information about the closing and opening holiday credit years can be read here.