In this page the instructions how to pay holiday pay in Procountor will be discussed. Holiday pay calculation is a part of Procountor's salary calculation and holiday pay will be calculated paid the same way as salaries.
The process of holiday pay calculation will be discussed here.
Instructions about holiday pay settings and employees holiday settings can be found from their own pages.
Adding holiday pay to a salary slip
Holiday pay can be paid the same way as normal salary slips. After creating a salary slip, the holiday pay row can be added by clicking Holiday pay button.
1. The Holiday pay button opens a pop up window where the salary type for holiday pay, the amount of holiday days and the credit year from which the holidays will be paid should be determined.
2. Select salary type for holiday pay
- Select the salary type from the drop down menu. Procountor will automatically suggest the salary type according to employees holiday earning rule.
- Holiday pay, monthly wages, workday divider (2202) (monthly salary/work days in payment period) x work days during holiday period.
- Holiday pay, monthly wage, standard divider 25 (2204) divides employees monthly salary with 25 and multiplies it with the amount of holiday days.
- Holiday pay, percentage (automated calc.) (2208) calculates the holiday pay with the percentage that has been selected to the employees holiday tab. Calculates the holiday pay with the percentage that has been selected to the employees Holidays view.
- Average hourly holiday pay, hourly wage (2210) calculates the average hourly pay from the sum of the salary types that are effecting the hourly wage (can be determined in Holiday pay settings) and working hours during the credit year and then multiplies the average hourly sum with the daily multipliers (can be found from the Holiday pay settings)
- Holiday pay, average daily (2211) - credit year earnings (basic work + overtime work basic part)/(real working days +1/8 overtime hours)
- Holiday compensation (lump sum) (2225) this salary type is tied to Right for time off holiday compensation rule. The calculation basis uses 9% or 11,5%. (this salary type can be lifted to salary slip only once per slip)
- Holiday bonus (automatic calcul.) (2233) The holiday bonus is calculated based on 50% of the holiday pay. The holiday bonus automatic calculation has to be set on (Usage settings) before the bonus is paid.
Additional day compensation, only health care ins (2234) the compensation is set manually to the holidays view and based on the set values Procountor will calculate the compensation to the salary slip.
- It is possible to pay holiday pay and holiday bonuses calculated with different holiday earning rules on the same pay slip. This enables, for example, paying holiday pay and holiday bonuses earned in different years even if the holiday earning rule has changed in the mean time.
3. After the holiday pay salary type has been selected fill in the section below the salary type. Depending on the salary type some of the following sections will appear under the salary type.
Holiday start and end date
- Can be seen of the holiday earning rule is Holiday pay, monthly wages, workday divider (2202)
- Insert the dates to the fields.
Holiday days spent
- The field is shown only if Holiday pay, monthly wages, workday divider (2202) holiday rule is used.
- The field is automatically filled based on Holiday start and end date.
Amount of workdays
- The field is shown only if Holiday pay, monthly wages, workday divider (2202) holiday rule is used.
- The logic is that in one week's holiday there are 5 workdays spent and 6 holiday days spent.
Available holiday days
- Procountor shows how many unused holidays are still left from the previous credit years.
- Choose from which credit year the holidays will be spent.
- The oldest credit year which still has unused holidays left will be suggested by default.
- It is possible to select the current credit year or many credit years, if the sum of holiday days is not enough to cover the held holiday days. In this situation Procountor will make two different salary rows for each credit year.
- If there are unused holidays from many years, Procountor will suggest unused holidays only from two previous credit years.
4. When all the settings have been made click Add to slip button.
The holiday row will be added to the salary slip and by activating the row the Additional row information will show from which credit year the holidays where paid.
- The amount of holiday days and the sum of holiday pay will be automatically calculated to the salary slip.
- The amount of holiday pay is based on the earned holiday days and holiday pay and the earned sum can be seen in the Holidays view.
- The selected salary type and basic salary deduction row will be automatically lifted to the salary slip if the holiday pay is percentage based and the employee has monthly or weekly salary. The Holiday bonus will not be lifted automatically to the salary slip.
- If correction should be made, the earned holidays will be corrected automatically by deleting the holiday pay row from the slip.
- If the slip has already been paid the holidays should be corrected by hand in the Holidays view (Payroll > Employee register > Edit holidays).
- If salary slip is copied, changes made to the copied salary slip affect the holiday setting used in the original salary slip.