This article discusses about how to get all the benefits out of Procountor's default settings. If usage settings, product and customer settings are set before sales invoice is created the invoice information will be automatically filled in, accounting will be done according to the set accounting defaults and the invoice creator only has to check the invoice details and do slight modifications. By using defaults you will save time and manual work after which you will have more time to actual business.
In this article tips and remarks will be provided of how to optimize sales invoice settings. There are many parts in this article but these instructions have to be set only once after which the sales invoice creation will be quicker and easier.
Efficient usage of usage settings
The automation of sales invoice creation will be started from usage settings. Usage settings optimal preparation before sales invoice creation will speed up the invoice creation and process. Please notice the following settings (Management > Company info > Usage settings):
- Additional default information, sales invoice - The information which is set to this field will be transferred to all sales invoices. The default information is practical if the company has from example reversed VAT liability and the liability has to be stated in every invoice.
- Default invoice channel for new customers, suppliers and persons - The invoice channel which is set to this section will be the default channel option that the invoices will be sent from Procountor. For example if the company wants to send all the sales invoices by e-invoice, by choosing e-invoice from usage settings will bring the default invoice channel to all new customers. The set default can be changed for individual customer from the invoice and customer register.
- Cash discount for sales - The cash discount setting affects the use of two-part payment terms on sales invoices and sales orders, and in the customer register. If you enable this function, you can use a payment term with a cash discount due date and percentage in addition to the net due date for sales invoices and sales orders and in the customer register.
- Automatic business partner creation - When the setting is enabled, new customers will be created in the appropriate registers automatically when their first invoice is saved. Before creating a new business partner, Procountor will check that the partner does not exist in the register (with the same business ID or bank account number). If the partner exists in the register, the invoice will be allocated to the existing partner. When all the customers are created to the business partner register it will improve reporting and sales invoice creation. In Procountor's reports the invoices can be searched based on customer, product ect. Also the company can follow sales development based on customers.
- Collection and penal expenses - The setting determines whether the automatic handling of collection and penal expenses is enabled. If the setting is enabled before the invoices are created the penal settings are ready to use when invoice is meant to be transferred to the collector.
Efficient use of invoice settings
There is a default invoice template which can be slightly modified based on set elements. These elements will determine how the invoice will look like. Notice these settings in the invoice settings (Management > Company info > Invoice settings):
- Total VAT from row sums - setting determines, whether invoice and order row sums are shown without or with VAT. By default, sums are shown without VAT.
- Setting your own units - To make sure that all the needed units can be found in the sales invoice creation, the needed units can be determined in this part of the settings.
Efficient use of VAT defaults
Before sales invoices are created it is recommended to go through the VAT statuses that will be used in the invoices and are the product prices counted with or without VAT. By choosing only those VAT statuses that are commonly used in the sales invoices it will be quicker and easier to choose the right status in the invoice (Management > Accounting info > VAT defaults).
- Sales invoice products - Choose if the sales invoice product prices will be shown with or without VAT. By default Procountor will calculate the products price that is set to the invoice Price cell without VAT and the initial price is calculated from the set price and calculated VAT. When the default setting is set so that the Invoice includes VAT, the initial price is the price that is set to products Price column and the VAT is deducted from the initial price. It is recommended to select the setting that is most commonly used in the invoices.
- Used VAT statuses - Select only those VAT statuses that are most commonly used in the invoices. By only choosing the used VAT statuses the risk for error will be smaller and the invoice creator does not have to search for the right status from all the possible statuses. The setting can be changed if an invoice comes which does not follow the ordinary status rule.
- It is possible to set the VAT rules for EU countries in Procountor if the company uses EU VAT percentages. The special right enables the VAT reporting from several countries. The free of charge special right can be enabled by contacting Procountor's customer service. More detailed information about the special right can be found here.
Efficient use of dimensions
Procountor’s dimensions are tools for management accounting that can be used to track different kind of targets and objects. Items, that are under each dimension, are determined for the dimensions. It is recommended to take dimensions into use straight away so that all the invoices can be allocated from the beginning (Management > Accounting info > Dimensions).
- Set the needed dimensions and items for managerial accounting before invoices are created so that you do not have to go back to the dimensioning view.
- It is possible to set default dimensions behind a customer so that the invoices that are created can be allocated straight away to the specific dimension.
- Dimensions can be set afterwards and the invoices can be allocated as mass by using Group dimensioning.
Efficient use of product register
It is recommended to keep and maintain product register because by creating ready made products the products will bring default price, VAT status, VAT percentage, accounting defaults and dimensions straight to the invoice. These products can be searched from reports and follow their sales and development. (Registers > Products)
- Creating ready made products to the register the products will bring default price, VAT status, VAT percentage, accounting defaults and dimensions straight to the invoice. This will speed up the invoice creation and the accounting.
- Sales products can be grouped if the products are sold in a bundle. This will help the selecting of sales products to the invoices.
- If those products that are in the product register are used in invoices, the reporting will be more detailed about the products.
- Product defaults are always stronger than customer defaults which means that if the product defaults are set, they will override customer's defaults.
Efficient usage of customer register
By creating all the customers to the customer register it will speed up the invoice creation and make it easier because invoice information is prefilled to the customer's customer card. Both customer and supplier information can be found from the business partner register. Business partner register enables the customer grouping which will help the reporting. (Registers > Business partner register)
More than just customer's name and address can be prefilled to the business partner register. Customer's defaults, accounting rules, VAT rules and dimensions can be set to customers that are filled to the customer register. These set defaults will be lifted to all sales invoices with the customer information and it will speed up the invoice creation.
- Customer's name, address, business ID, invoice channel, term of payment etc. can be set to the customer register and all the set information will transfer to all new invoices.
- Default products can be set to customers that are in the register. If the same products are invoiced from the customer, it could be practical to add the products behind the customer so that these products will be automatically in every new sales invoice. Registers > Business partners > choose a customer and open the customer card > Defaults > Default products
- Default accounts can be set behind the customer and the sales invoices are posted based on the default settings if the products do not have any default posting rules. By using the default settings the posting will be done automatically and if there is one time that the posting is different, it can be changed in the invoice.
- Dimensions for managerial accounting can be set as default behind the customer and the default will come to all new invoices. If there is one time that the dimensioning is different, it can be changed in the invoice.
- Free content and information can be filled to customer card Management view. The view can be found from Registers > Business partners > Choose customer and open customer card > Management.
Efficient invoicing by using defaults
When default settings are set and active, the customers information are filled automatically to the invoice. The invoice is posted based on the set default posting rules and the invoice is dimensioned according to the set defaults. The customer will bring the default products and prices to the invoice. Also if a discount has been set behind the customer it will also transfer to the invoice.
Based on the customer and product information Procountor's reporting will be much more detailed and deeper analysis can be made for example of the sold products. This is why it is recommended to focus all the product and business partners to the register.