Users of Procountor Ledger may change their product version to Procountor Solo. In this model the entrepreneur uses the Solo user interface and the accountant and Procountor user interface. See a detailed description of Solo’s suitability and features here.
If you are thinking about changing the product version, please contact Finago administration at During your first contact, you will be asked to make the following changes and checks.
Things to take into account before changing the product version
There are two options for creating a Solo environment:
1. A new Solo environment can be set up by the Accounting office, similarly to Ledger and Financials products, under Management > Set up a new environment. Select Procountor Solo as the product version.
- The Solo environment is opened in trial mode for the entrepreneur and the accountant.
- The original Ledger environment stays alongside the new Solo environment. When the entrepreneur decides to permanently move to the Solo environment, the account balances must be transferred from the original Ledger environment to Solo.
2. Another option is to change the current Procountor Ledger environment into a Solo environment.
- The change cannot be reversed afterwards.
- With this change, the Ledger environment that is owned by the accounting office is legally changed into a Solo environment that is owned by the entrepreneur.
Would you like to change from Ledger to Solo?
A separate agreement is made with the entrepreneur on the Solo environment. Before making the agreement, we will change the Ledger version into a Solo version. After this, the entrepreneur can log into Solo and make an agreement on the use of Solo. You can make the Solo agreement also here.
The accountant can also fill out the Solo order form on behalf of the entrepreneur, if the entrepreneur and the accountant agree on this.
In order to change the product version from Ledger to Solo, you must make the following changes to the environment settings:
- In Solo, accounting is automatically cash-based. If your value added tax handling has been cash-based in Ledger, you must unselect cash-based accounting in Procountor under Management > Accounting info > VAT defaults.
- Only one dimension is used in Solo. If the environment has several dimensions, displayed in Procountor under Management > Accounting info > Dimensions, only the first dimension on the list remains in Solo. This means that the other dimensions will not appear on reports and cannot be retrieved from accounting separately. Please take this into consideration when making the change.
- The electronic invoice addresses used in Solo are the electronic invoice addresses of Apix Messaging Oy. The entrepreneur receives a new electronic invoice address, which will be displayed in the Solo user interface. If the electronic invoice addresses of Apix Messaging Oy have been enabled in Ledger, these will automatically be terminated when the product package changes. Please note that this may cause interruptions in invoice transmission, so please notify your customers and suppliers of the change.
- In Solo, it is not possible to use bank e-invoicing addresses. If a bank's e-invoicing address has been used in the environment, please remove it from the environment under Management > Company info > E-invoice and Scanning addresses before the environment is changed to Solo. Also ask the entrepreneur to inform the bank that the bank no longer sends invoices to Procountor.
- You must temporarily create a Management/Auditor username for the entrepreneur in Procountor in order to send the necessary Solo credentials to the entrepreneur – this user role will later be changed to a Solo entrepreneur role. If the entrepreneur already has a Procountor username, please note that the entrepreneur’s phone number must be saved in the Personal information and settings view. Filling out the phone number is particularly important to ensure that the entrepreneur receives the necessary Solo login credentials. You should also check the user’s e-mail address.
- After changing the product version, change the entrepreneur’s role into Procountor Solo entrepreneur to enable them to log into Solo.
When the changes have been made, the user should reply to the e-mail message from Finago management and confirm the change. After this, the product version is changed to Procountor Solo.
Measures after the change
After changing the product version, we will notify the contact person who requested the change. After this, the accountant can log into Procountor normally, and Procountor will guide them through the following steps:
1. The program requests the accountant to change the Purchase product register to make it suitable for Solo. The register is also visible to the entrepreneur, who uses it for classifying expenses.
- The register options are a limited liability company's, a sole trader's or the existing Solo environment’s product register.
- Please note that the chart of accounts must be consistent with the product registers of the aforementioned company forms.
- If the chart of accounts does not match the default templates, your can download the product register template from the below links and modify it according to your chart of accounts. The existing product register template can be downloaded in Procountor under Management > Import data.
- The old products in the product register are set as passive after selecting the product register. However, products can be activated again via the Procountor product register, which makes them visible also for the entrepreneur as expense types in the Solo user interface.
Product register template, limited liability company
Product register template, sole trader
2. After selecting the product register, go to Management > Users and privileges in Procountor and change the usernames of the environment users as follows:
- Change the user role of the entrepreneur’s Procountor username into Procountor Solo entrepreneur under Management > Users and privileges. If the entrepreneur did not have a username in Procountor Ledger, set up a new username with the Procountor Solo entrepreneur role.
- Please note that only one user can have the Procountor Solo entrepreneur role.
- It is extremely important to specify a phone number and an e-mail address for the entrepreneur in connection with setting up the username, so that they receive the login credentials to their Solo user interface.
- When the role of the entrepreneur’s username is Procountor Solo entrepreneur, they receive an automatic e-mail with a link to the Procountor Solo login page.
- The entrepreneur logs in on the Procountor Solo page, and the Solo user interface guides the entrepreneur through the initial settings process. The entrepreneur also makes the Procountor Solo agreement at the same time.
- Change your own user role into Accountant or Payroll accountant. If the environment has other users, change their roles into either Accountant or Payroll accountant.
- The accountant or payroll accountant who sets up the Solo environment is always also the main user of the environment: although an actual Main user role cannot be selected in Solo, the Accountant or Payroll accountant who sets up the Solo environment has, by default, Full rights in the Company user management section. However, if the user who sets up the Solo environment adds other users to the environment later, for example, with the Accountant or Payroll accountant roles, the access rights of these users correspond to the table presented in this article.
3. Confirm with the entrepreneur that all the bank connections are sufficient for sending the bank statements to Solo. For example, if the intention is to calculate salaries in Solo, the payment of salaries should also be taken into account in the bank connections.
- If the bank connections are sufficient, no further measures are required. The same bank connections that were saved to Procountor before the change of product version still work.
- If the bank connections have not been opened yet, the entrepreneur must open the bank connections with a bank connection authorization with their own bank. The bank connections forms can be found here.
- After this, the accountant must fill in the bank connections in Procountor. Instructions for filling in bank connections can be found here.
- Note! The bank account must be a company account in order to function in Procountor and the Solo entrepreneur's user interface. In general, banks cannot grant software companies the right to transmit payment data from a private person's bank account.
4. Please note the following about using Solo:
- If the company has used an external financing contract or additional services in Procountor, these cannot be used in Solo.
- If an invoice created during the Ledger product version results in a payment error, the invoice in question must be handled by the accountant in Procountor. It will not be visible to the entrepreneur in Solo.
- When changing the product version, it is important to pay attention to the receipts during the change to avoid handling them twice. Example: The Ledger product version was used in December, and it will be changed to Solo on January 1. A purchase invoice was recorded in December and the accounting and value added taxes are based on the accrual system. However, the payment on the invoice arrives in January. In this case, the purchase transaction appears on the bank statement for January. In other words, the entrepreneur sees the purchase on the January bank statement in Solo. In this case, the entrepreneur might accidentally link a receipt and product class to the transaction in Solo. The accountant can correct this mistake in the Bank statements and reference payments view by clicking the Update accounting button.
- In Solo, photographing of receipts is done with Solo's own application. If you use eTasku application, the old receipts should be processed and eTasku's service terminated by e-mail