There are situation when the payer has to print a payment receipt of the payment after the Pay button has been clicked in Procountor. The receipt can be printed from Payments > Bank statements and reference payments > Receipt (if the bank statement has arrived where the following transaction is) or by printing it from the online bank service (if the bank statement has not arrived to Procountor yet).
All payment requests are transferred to the bank and the invoice is set to Payment sent to bank status. This status does not mean that the payment transaction has been made in the bank and that is why the payment receipt cannot be be printed from the Payment view. This article will discuss where to print the authentic payment receipt.
Printing the receipt from Procountor
The payment transaction can be seen in Procountor only when the bank statement arrives to Procountor (next day at the earliest). After this the receipt can be printed from the Bank statements and reference payments view (Payments > Bank statements and reference payments).
Select the bank transfer that will be printed and click Receipt button. The receipt opens to another tab on your browser.
Printing the payment receipt from bank
If the payment receipt has to printed during the same day as the bank transfer has been made, the user can print the receipt from own online bank service. More information about the printing can be found from the bank.