Holiday reports can be found from Payroll > Reports > Holiday reports. The report shows the earned holiday days, holiday pay, used holiday days and paid holiday pay. Slips which are in status Paid and Paid elsewhere are shown in the report. The report opens to Excel or HTML format.
- The report works only if Procountor´s holiday calculation is on. Read more about holiday calculation here.
Creating the report
First the search criteria has to be selected before the report is created. The previous holiday credit year has to be closed before the report can be created to the current holiday year. The closing of the year can be done in Management > Salary info > Holiday credit years.
1. Select the holiday credit year from which the report is created.
- If the reports is created from the current credit year the report shows the current situation according to the paid slips.
2. Select the grouping criteria.
- No grouping - groups the report by employees name.
- Person report group - groups the report by person reporting group.
- Current calculation basis - groups the report by selected holiday calculation basis.
3. Select which information will be included to the report.
- Name of the employee - shows the employee name in the report.
- Side costs (for Holiday accrual report) - shows the side costs of the salary slips in the report.
- More detailed information about the side costs can be found from the Insurance payment report.
- Inactive persons - shows persons who are inactive in the report.
4. Select which holiday calculation basis will be included in the report.
5. Select which person report group will be used to sort the employees to the report.
- PERSONS ----- will show all the employees.
6. Select persons that will come to the report.
7. Click Holiday accrual report button and select in which format the report will be shown (HTML or Excel)
Interpreting the report
The report is shown in Excel or HTML format based on the selected search criteria. The report uses only salary slips which are in status Paid and Paid elsewhere. The following columns are shown in the report:
- Calculation basis - shows the holiday calculation basis which has been used to earn holidays.
- Earning holidays - shows the amount of holiday days earned in one month.
- Previous holiday credit years remaining/unpaid - shows the remaining holidays from all the previous years back.
- The amount does not take into account the credit year that has been taken as the search criteria holiday credit year.
- If the additional holidays are added to the employee the report will show them too.
- Holiday credit year holiday days and pay - shows the earned holidays from the selected holiday credit year.
- Side costs - shows the side costs of the salary slips in the report.
- More detailed information about the side costs can be found from the Insurance payment report.