Edit Income tax Return Mappings view allows you to edit the mappings between income tax return fields and accounts. This view can be accessed through Management > Accounting info > Tax information by clicking the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings button:
The Edit Income tax Return Mappings view is divided into two sections: the income tax return contents divided into separate tabs, and the Account list section located on the right-hand side of the view. The Account list section is further explained in this section of the article.
Net worth -section
Top bar buttons and information
All changes are saved with the Save button.
The mappings between accounts and the income tax return fields can be edited separately for each year, and the year can be selected from the Select year drop-down menu. The selected year is displayed below the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings header, as seen in the picture above.
- Mappings of the latest, existing tax return form are copied to the next year's form when it becomes available in Procountor. An example: Changes made to fields on tax return form of 2021 are copied later to corresponding fields on the form for 2022, when the particular form becomes available in Procountor. However, it should be noted that there might be differences created by the Tax Administration between forms of different years: for example, the mappings for whole new fields have to be determined on the year version that contains those new fields.
- Mappings made to older forms are not copied to newer forms that are already in Procountor. An example: Changes are made to the tax return form of 2020. The form for 2021 is already found in Procountor simultaneously. The changes made to the form of 2020 are not updated to the form of 2021; instead, the changes have to be made to the form of 2021 separately. When the form of 2022 becomes later available to Procountor in the future, the mappings set to year 2021 are copied to the form of year 2022.
The income tax return form number selected in the environment will also be displayed underneath the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings header. If the form needs to be changed, this can be done in the Tax information view (Management > Accounting info > Tax information) in the Income tax return drop-down menu.
View Procountor defaults shows the default mappings of each tab for the selected form, if available. In the example pictured below, Income tax return 6C had three tabs (Itemizations, Income and expenses, and Other itemizations) that are also located in the View Procountor defaults button drop-down menu:
Clicking the tab name in the View Procountor defaults button drop-down menu opens the tab preview:
To close the preview and return to the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings view, click Close preview.
To restore the Procountor defaults of the selected tab, click Restore to Procountor defaults. A confirmation window will be displayed:
Confirm the restoring and return to the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings view by clicking Continue.
Please note that the Restore to Procountor defaults button will not be displayed on income tax return forms that do not have default mappings.
Table columns
Each row in the income tax return tabs can be viewed and edited in the following columns:
- Row column indicates the row number. First row is R1, second is R2, third is R3, and so on. The values in the Row column cannot be edited.
- Definition column shows the definition for each income tax return field. The values in the Definition column cannot be edited.
- Code column shows the three-digit code of the income tax return field that corresponds to the Definition column. The values in the Code column cannot be edited.
- % column shows a percentage (for example 100% or -100%) if this percentage pertains to the income tax return field calculation logic as defined by the Tax Administration. The values in the % column cannot be edited. The Invert and Account mapping fields cannot be edited on rows that have a percentage in the % column. Below is an example of a row that has a percentage in the % column:
- Income tax return form 6C Income and expenses tab row R32 with the definition Total revenues as recorded in accounting. This row gathers together account mappings from the previous rows, and these mappings can be edited in the Account mapping columns on the upper rows:
- Invert column checkbox determines whether or not the sum calculated from all accounts mapped to that row will be inverted. The Invert checkbox can only be selected on certain rows depending on the conditions and data specifications the Tax Administration has defined for each field.
- Account mapping column specifies the accounts mapped to each income tax return field. The field can contain one or several accounts, or it can be left blank. If the field contains multiple values, they must be separated by a comma in the following way:
- 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003
- Mappings between accounts and income tax return fields can also be done in the Account list section, which is described in a more detailed way in the next section.
Account list section
The Account list section located in the right side of the Edit Income Tax Return Mappings view is active when the row selected from the income tax return form is a row that allows changes to account mappings. If the selected row does not allow changes to the mappings (such as rows that have a percentage in the % column) the Account list section will remain grayed out and cannot be edited.
Selected field shows the accounts mapped to the currently selected row. If the Selected field is blank, it means no mappings have been done to the row that is currently selected.
Accounts can be selected from the Account list listing. As accounts are selected by checking the box next to the account number, these account numbers will be shown in the Selected field. Accounts can also be manually entered in the Selected field – in this case, the checkbox next to that particular account is automatically selected in the list.
Several consecutive accounts can be chosen at once in the following way:
- Click the selection box of an account (for example, 1000).
- Click and hold down the Shift button on the keyboard.
- Click the selection box of another account (for example, 1005).
- This activates accounts 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 and 1005 at once.
The following tools are available in the account list:
- Hide used hides from the listing any and all accounts that have already been selected in the Account mapping field corresponding to an income tax return form field.
- Find can be used to search for a certain account, either by Account name or Account number.
- Used in rows shows any and all rows the account has been mapped to.
After the Selected field contents have been modified either by
- selecting the checkbox next to the account in the list or
- by entering the account numbers manually in the Selected field
it is important to remember to click the Update button next to the Selected field – this updates the chosen accounts to the Account mappings column of the selected row.
When new accounts are added to the chart of accounts, income tax return form mappings for these new accounts have always to be made afterwards. New accounts are not automatically mapped to any field of the income tax return form.
Please notice! The new Income statement accounts added to the income tax return-section, must also be added to the profit and profit loss -rows on the Net worth – section. If you add the account to the income tax return, it sometimes has to be added to two lines, i.e. also to the total line. For example, if you add a new account to the row R57, the account must also be added to the total -row R60.