Using the service
Login and home page
Log into the Allekirjoitus service at
After logging in, the service asks you to choose the company on behalf of which you want to send documents for signing. If only one company is included in the service, you are taken directly to Home page.
The service navigation bar is on the left.
On the Home page, you can see all pending documents. If no documents are shown, the company does not have any documents pending signing.
Multiple companies
If you are using the Signature service for more than one company, you can choose the company you want when logging in.
1. After entering your login credentials, the service asks you to choose a company.
2. You can easily switch between companies within the service. This is done by clicking the My account button on the left navigation bar. Then choose Use Allekirjoitus as.
Archive and document transaction log
On the Home page, you can see any pending documents waiting for action. By clicking the Archive button on the left navigation bar, you can see all documents uploaded to the service. In the archive, you can filter the search for documents according to the document status, date, or sender, for example. You can also search for documents by entering the document name, identifier, etc. in the search field.
Depending on your user role in the service, you can see either all documents saved by different users or only the documents saved by you. Read more about the different user roles here.
To view the transaction log of a signing process, click the document title or click the arrow next to the Preview button and choose Details. The transaction log shows the history of the document signing process.
ID number is the identifier of the signing process. You may need this information if a problem occurs.
- An individual identifier number is generated for each individual document. The recipient of the invitation to sign must sign each of the documents, and each signature is charged.
- This means that if, for example, an invitation includes document A and document B, signatories may choose to reject (not sign) one of the documents if they detect errors in it. In such a case, the document for which the signing process is completed can be downloaded from the service with the signatures, even if the other document is pending or has been rejected.
- An individual identifier number is generated for each individual document. The recipient of the invitation to sign must sign each of the documents, and each signature is charged.
- Status indicates the signing process phase. For instance, it shows whether or not the recipient has opened the invitation to sign. Click the “+” sign to see more detailed time information.
- Email indicates the email address to which the invitation to sign was sent.
- Signing method indicates the signing method chosen for the document.
- Role indicates the recipient’s task. The role may be Signatory or Approver.
Link -icon is active, if you have sent the document to be signed and the signing method is strong authentication. The link can be used to create a signature link, which can be copied and sent to the recipient separately, for example if a previously sent signature invitation was not received for some reason.
- Use the Pen icon to edit recipient information, change the email address or signing method, and resend the invitation to sign.
- Use the Clock icon to email a reminder to a recipient who has not yet signed/approved the document. The email reminder also includes the link to sign the document.
When the documents have been signed/approved, they are filed in the archive. All documents can be found in the archive.
Settings and user roles
Use the My account button to view your own and the company’s settings, log out of the service, and change the company on behalf of which you want to send invitations to sign. If you are the service administrator, you can also manage the users of the service. In Settings, you can also add the company logo and texts to be used in the invitation to sign.
My settings
To edit your contact information, choose My settings in My account. Use the settings to change the default language of email invitations or the standard greeting included in the signing invitation or reminder. If you specify a personal greeting in My settings for invitations to sign, it supersedes the greeting specified in the company settings.
In My settings, you can also specify whether you want an email notification of email messages that could not be delivered to the recipient, or whether you want a notification when the recipient opens the invitation to sign.
Company settings
The Company profile view shows company information, such as the business ID and address information. If you want to change your company information, please contact our customer service. In this view, you can add your company logo to the service.
In the Settings view, the administrator can change the standard greetings used in email invitations or change reminder settings, for example.
In Notification email settings, you can enter the email message header, the contact person, and the email address to be used in all future invitations to sign, regardless of the user. If you leave the fields blank, the user’s contact information and the default header of the service will be shown in email messages.
In the Users-view, the Administrator can add and delete users and edit user information.
The Usage statistics view displays information such as the number of signed PDF documents or rejected documents.
User roles
The service administrator may manage the user information. The service includes three different user roles:
- Regular: Basic users may create and manage their signing processes, but they cannot see the signing processes/documents of other users in the same company. Basic users cannot see or edit company settings.
- Privileged: Privileged users can see all signing processes/documents. Privileged users can't see or edit company settings or manage users.
Administrator: Administrator can see all signing processes/documents. Administrator is the only role, that can see and edit company settings and manage users.
- If the Administrator deletes a user, this has no effect on the documents that the user has added to the service; they remain in the archive.
Adding a new user to the service
The service administrator can add other employees of the company to the service. The number of users is not limited. New users are added in company settings under the Users tab. Use the Add user button to enter the information of a new user, define the user’s role, and add the user’s email address. New users receive an email invitation to join the Allekirjoitus service.
The user's email address is used as an identifier for whether the user already has an existing account for the service. If the user has Allekirjoitus in use with another company, the user can choose which company's account she/he wants to use on the start page of the service.
Sending documents for signing
Supported documents
- The service supports PDF documents that are not protected by password and have a file size of less than 10MB. A maximum of 10 documents may be included in a single invitation to sign.
- Attachments may also be added to each individual document. These attachments can be in some other format (Excel, Word, etc.). The number of attachments to a document is not limited.
- Not all documents can be signed electronically, as they are subject to formal requirements set by law. Such documents include, for example, wills and distributions of inheritance.
Signing methods
The service provides the following signing methods:
- Signing by email
Signing by SMS
Signing with online banking credentials
Signature on a touchscreen
1. Start the signing process by creating an envelope. Click Start or +.
2. The service asks you to choose the document process. The processes available are Default flow and Financial statements.
3. To add a new document to be signed, click Upload document or drag and drop the file to the place indicated. You can add multiple documents at the same time. The documents must be in PDF format.
The service supports PDF files that are not protected by password and have a file size of less than 10MB. You may add a maximum of 10 documents to a single invitation to sign. An individual identifier number is generated for each individual document. The recipient of the invitation to sign must sign each of the documents, and each signature is charged.
The number of attachments added to a single document is not limited. The attachments do not have to be in PDF format; the service accepts other formats as well (Excel, Word, etc.).
4. After adding all the documents to be signed, click Next.
5. Enter the recipient’s personal information and choose the language for sending the invitation to sign.
6. Next, choose the recipient’s task: Sign a document or Review and approve a document. You only need to choose one of these two.
Signing a document
If the recipient’s task is to sign a document, check the box Sign using and choose the method of signing, i.e. how you want the recipient to sign the document. The options are:
- eID methods
- Strong authentication using online banking credentials or Mobile ID.
- Strong digital authentication is also possible in Sweden (BankID SE), Norway (BankID NO) and Denmark (NemID DK) using the local identification methods of each country.
- eSign methods
- SMS (also works with foreign phone numbers)
- Touch Sign
Reviewing a document
If the recipient’s task is to review a document instead of signing it, check the Review box. The recipient is then emailed an invitation to review the document. Only reviewed/approved documents go forward in the signing process. Reviewing a document may be specified as the recipient’s task if, for example, you want to send the document to a colleague for approval before sending it to the signatories.
If you choose both tasks (sign and review) for a recipient, the recipient must perform two tasks. The recipient will receive two reminders: one for signing and one for approving the document.
7. In the Options section, you may choose additional functions: invitation sent by SMS and authentication of signatory. The additional functions are subject to a charge. Below is provided a more detailed description of the additional functions, with the prices in brackets:
- Notify by SMS (€0.20 each): The invitation to sign is separately sent to the signatory by SMS. Invitations by SMS are often noticed more easily than email messages. The signatory can also sign the document via the SMS. If this option is not chosen, the invitation is emailed to the recipient.
- Require authentication (€0.25 each): If this option is chosen, signatories must authenticate themselves (using online banking credentials or the like) before they can sign the document. This option is used with very sensitive documents, for example. Only Finnish online banking credentials.
8. Remember to add yourself as a recipient if you are included in the signing process. The Add recipient button allows you to add multiple recipients to the signing process. You can define their roles (signatory/reviewer) and signing methods individually. After adding all the recipients, click Next.
9. If you have multiple recipients, you can change their order by taking the mouse to the person whose position in the list of signatories you want to change. The Move up button appears; click it to move the person to the top of the list.
Specify also whether you want the signing process to proceed in a sequential or parallel order.
- Sequential (the document is sent to the recipients for signing in the order specified by the sender)
- Parallel (the document is sent simultaneously to all recipients for signing)
10. Check the information; you can still make changes if necessary. You may include a deadline in the invitation, by which the document must be signed. If you set a deadline, you can also set an automatic reminder for the recipient. In this case, the recipient will receive an email reminder to sign the documents one day before the deadline. Finally, click Send to send the invitations.
11. The invitation to sign is sent to the recipients. The Home page shows the status of the signing process. To access more detailed information, click the arrow next to the Preview button and choose Details.