Person is identified in Procountor using the Person's basic info -view of the Person Register (Registers > Person Register or Payroll > Person Register). The main identifier is the Finnish personal identity code or Business ID.
Once a person has been added in the Employee Register, it is no longer possible to modify the personal identity code. For this reason, the person needs to be re-created in the Person Register with the correct personal identity code. A person with an incorrect identity code can be set to inactive.
If a salary slip has already been created for the person and the slip has not been reported to the Incomes Register due to an incorrect personal identity code, compensation salary slip (for the profile with an incorrect personal identity code) and a new salary slip (for the profile with the correct personal identity code) should be prepared. The reporting of the salary with the correct personal identity code is done as usual. The new salary slip can be Marked as paid elsewhere in the Go to > Payment -view of the slip if the original salary has already been paid. The payment date should be the date when the original salary was paid.
If you want to report the information via Procountor, you can proceed as follows:
- If the salary slip is already in the status Paid, you should open the incorrect salary slip and click Edit. In the Incomes Register reporting at the top part of the salary slip, choose Do not include in any report.
- After this, create a credit salary slip with the exact same information as the original slip but with negative values. This cancels out the original salary slip, and a new slip can be created with correct information. You can use Copy with original delivery data -function when creating the credit salary slip. You can change the values to negative in the Total -column by setting the basic incomes Pcs-amount as negative and clicking another point on the slip.
- The withholding tax row will revert to zero when the base salary row is given a negative value. Because of this, withholding tax should be added on the credit salary slip using the withhold tax correction -salary type. The value in the withholding tax row’s Total -column should be positive, as the value was negative on the original salary slip.
- For the credit salary slip, choose also Do not include in any report and the credit salary slip is marked as Paid elsewhere.
- Once a person has been added in the Person or Employee Register, it is no longer possible to edit the personal identity code. Because of this, the person must be re-created in the Person Register and Employee Register with the correct personal identity code.
- After re-creating the person, a new salary slip can be done with the same information as the original slip and the new slip can be reported to the Incomes Register.
Another option is to report the original salary slip directly in the Incomes Register's e-service, in which case there is no need to create neither a credit salary slip nor a new salary slip. If the information is reported in the e-service, the original salary slip should be marked in the Incomes Register reporting -section as Do not include in any report. Likewise, in this method of correction, the person must be re-created in the Person and Employee Register with the correct personal identity code, so that in the future the information on earnings payment report will be correct.