Procountor Key is a mobile application that allows you to securely log into Procountor without one-time passwords. Logging into Procountor takes place with a username and personal password, after which the login is confirmed with Procountor Key. Alternatively, you can continue to login using one-time passwords.
- Procountor Key is free for all Procountor users and available for iOS and Android devices.
- Procountor Key features versatile identification options and can also be used with several usernames and devices.
- The Key is also used for confirming payments in Procountor Mobile and Procountor Solo.
- Procountor Key is secure and always requires identification (biometric or PIN) before login or payment confirmation.
Implementation of Procountor Key
Log in requires a username and personal password. After this, the login is confirmed either through mobile confirmation or through a one-time password from the password list.
With the instructions below, you can replace password list with the Procountor Key application.
Installing the new application and logging in
1. Download Procountor Key from the application store for your iOS or Android device.
2. On the Procountor login page, first enter your username and personal password and then click Next.
3. Click the Take Procountor Key into use button.
4. After this, authentication takes place using one time password. Authenticate yourself in the service by entering your one-time password in the dedicated box and click the Identify myself button. If your password list is lost, click the Lost your password list? link to receive a new one-time password.
Registering of Procountor key
5. After authentication, Procountor Key is registered on your phone by scanning the QR code or using the link sent to you by SMS.
Pair manually by scanning the QR code
Scan the QR code with the Procountor Key -app. The QR code is active for 2 minutes. If the code expires, the Activate new QR code button appears for reactivating the code.
Open the Procountor Key application, you will enter a view in which the application confirms that you can see the QR code on the login page. Click Yes - scan QR code.
The application requests permission to use the camera. Allow using the camera so that the QR code can be scanned. Point your phone camera at the QR code on the Procountor login page, and the Key application identifies the code. (Note! Only use the Procountor Key to scan the QR code, not other application).
Pair with a link via sms
By choosing Pair via SMS link instead you will receive the Key connection link to your phone.
Next click the Send a link via SMS button. A link will be sent to the phone number you are registered with.
If you have installed the Procountor Key app, click the link on your phone, after which the Key application will start pairing automatically. The app asks you to confirm pairing account with the Confirm button.
If you have not installed the Procountor Key app, the link will first direct you to app store to download.
Choose the identification method
6. Next, the application asks for the identification method to be used for logging in going forward. The alternatives are to allow the use of biometric data (face or fingerprint recognition) or use a PIN code.
- If you allow the use of biometric data, Key requests permission to use fingerprint or face recognition. The biometric data used for identification depends on what you have set as the identification method on your phone. In addition, you must set a PIN code during the first login, even if you chose biometric authentication.
- If you skip the use of biometric data, the application requests you to create a 6-digit PIN code to be used for logging in going forward.
All done!
7. After setting the authentication method, you have registered Procountor Key to your device.
From now on login takes place using the username, personal password and Procountor Key.
You can identify Procountor Key from this logo on the phone:
Implementation of Procountor Key for a new user
Note that only Procountor Key or password list are offered as identification methods for a new user. Finago Key is no longer available to new users.
1 Download Procountor Key from the application store for your iOS or Android device.
2. Log in on the Procountor login page using your username and password you received either by SMS or from the company’s main user. Check your contact information and click the Confirm button.
3. After this, change your password and click the Confirm button.
4. In the Select login authentication method window, select Procountor Key mobile confirmation as the authentication method. After this, continue according to the Implementation of Procountor Key instructions, starting from Registering of Procountor Key.
Procountor Key and login
Logging in to Procountor requires:
- Username and personal password
- Procountor Key application
1. On the login page, enter your username and personal password. Click the Next button.
2. Confirm the login in the Procountor Key application. Go to the application by clicking the Confirm login notification appearing on the phone display or click the Procountor Key logo. Click the Confirm button.
- If you chose PIN code as the authentication method when installing the application, enter the set code in the designated field.
- If you enabled authentication using biometric data (fingerprint or face recognition), authentication takes place using it.
3. After authentication, the application notifies that login was successful and you can go to the homepage.
Procountor Key - device and username management
Several usernames
If you use several usernames in Procountor, you can link Procountor Key to all of the usernames. The number of usernames is not limited.
You can link a new username to Procountor key on the Procountor login page by logging in using your username you want to link.
1. On the Procountor login page, first enter your username and personal password and then click Next.
2. Click the Take Procountor Key into use button. After this, authentication takes place either using the old Finago Key application or a password, depending on which you previously used for logging in.
3. Open Procountor Key and go to the Manage accounts -view in the application. In this view click + Register a new account -button.
4. Scan the QR code that you can see on the login page with the app.
5. After this the app asks you to enter the set code in the designated field or the app asks you to use biometric data (fingerprint or face recognition) that authentication takes place. Procountor Key uses the same identification method (PIN code or biometric data) for all usernames you have connected.
- After you have linked the other username to Procountor Key, go to the Manage usernames view in the application. In this view, you can see all of your usernames linked to the Key. If the username you just linked is not displayed, click the update button at the top right edge of the application to update the information.
Adding another device
Procountor Key can be used on several devices. Devices can be managed on Procountor’s Personal info and settings view via the Procountor Key devices button. On the Procountor Key devices view, you can add a new device or remove an old one.
If you register several devices for the same user name, you will receive the login confirmation on all of your devices.
1. In Procountor, go to the Personal information and settings view via the Character icon in the top right corner.
2. Click the Procountor Key devices button in the top row of the Personal information and settings view. In the window that appears, click the + Add new device button.
4. Confirm changes by using Procountor Key mobile application.
Confirm adding the new device by using the Procountor Key application on your current device. Click the Confirm button in the application.
5. Install Procountor Key on your other phone. After this, Procountor Key is registered on the new phone using the link sent to you by SMS or make the connection manually by scanning the QR code.
Pair manually by scanning the QR code
Activate the QR code on the Add New device -view. Scan the QR code with Procountor Key, which is installed on the new phone to link the app to your user account.
Pair with a link via SMS
By choosing Pair via SMS link instead you will receive the Key connection link to your phone.
Click the Send a link via SMS button. A link will be sent to the phone number you are registered with.
If you have installed the Procountor Key app on your new phone, click the link on your phone, after which the Key application will start pairing automatically. The app asks you to confirm pairing account with the Confirm button. After this, continue according to the Implementation of Procountor Key instructions, starting from item 6.
Removing a device
In the Procountor Key devices view, you can see all of your registered devices. To deactivate a device registered for using the Key, do as follows:
1. In Procountor, go to the Personal information and settings view via the Character icon in the top right corner.
2. Click the Procountor Key devices button in the top row of the Personal information and settings view. Click the Remove device button for the device you want to remove.
3. Confirm the removal in the Procountor Key application. You will receive a confirmation notification on all of your devices registered in Procountor Key. You only need to confirm the removal on one of them.
Adding language
Procountor Key works in English, Finnish, Swedish and Danish, depending on the language settings in the user’s mobile device. With an iPhone, you can change the application language in your phone's app management. Select Procountor key and choose the preferred language.
Discontinuing use of Procountor Key
You may switch back to using one-time passwords from using Procountor Key anytime.
While you are logged into Procountor, first print a new password list from the Personal information and settings view, which you can enter via the Character icon in the top right corner. You will receive a new password list by clicking the Change password list button.
- If you have a previously printed password list, you can also start using it.
1. Go to the Procountor login page.
2. Enter your username and personal password. Click the Next button.
3. Select I want to use the password list instead. If you cannot log into Procountor and need a one-time password, you can order it by clicking on the Lost your password list? -link found on the login page.
5. Enter the one-time password and click Login.
You can remove Procountor Key from all your registered devices by following the Removing a device - instruction.