Procountor API use cases
- Unit codes in Procountor API
- Ledger receipts: Available receipt types and their codes and statuses in Procountor API
- Ledger receipts: Export accounting data from Procountor
- Ledger receipts: Import cash sales to Procountor as voucher
- Ledger receipts: Import cash sales with dimensions to Procountor as voucher
- Ledger receipts: Setting dimensions
- Purchase invoice: Approval circulation settings and their influence in Procountor API
- Purchase invoice: Posting purchase invoice with accounts of the other system
- Sales invoice: How to send sales invoices via Procountor API?
- Sales invoice: Posting sales invoice with accounts of the other system
- Sales invoices: Product allocation
- Sales invoice: Add dimensions to sales invoice
- Sales invoices: Search payment transactions
- Sales invoices: Add payment transactions
- BtoB Webshop sales (Domestic, EU)
- Useful basic data (CSV) to be imported to test environment
- Reference payments from Procountor